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Heatherside Infant School

Heatherside Infant School


At Heatherside we want our children to be inspired to find out about the world in which they live and interact. We want them to have a curiosity and fascination about the similarities and differences between our local area of Fleet, other areas in the UK and the world. By giving them opportunities to investigate and make enquiries about our local area of Fleet we want them to develop a real sense of what makes our local area unique and special, as well as how it connects and links to the wider world around them. The way Geography is taught at Heatherside enables children to build on key knowledge and skills from Year R and throughout Key Stage 1.

“Children themselves must be actively engaged in making sense of the world; they need to be able to connect new knowledge to what they already know and construct their own meanings” Susan Pike



Year R used maps to explore the school grounds. 

Year 1 explored the features and landscape of Velmead Woods. 

Year R learnt about London and talked about their experiences of visiting there. Here is Big Ben, recreated in a 2D shape picture!