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Heatherside Infant School

Heatherside Infant School

Wraparound Provision

Breakfast Club

We have an on-site Breakfast Club run by SCL Active for our Infant School children and also available to Heatherside Junior pupils.  Breakfast Club starts at 7.45am in the Butterfly room.  A healthy breakfast followed by fun activities is designed to start the children's day in the right way! Children are escorted by SCL Active staff to their class at 8.45am and are registered by their class teacher.

Full details of our Breakfast Club can be found at the SCL Active website, including online booking details.

Wraparound Care

We also have an offering of wraparound care which is run by SCL Active.  Wraparound care provides an active, safe place for children after school, allowing parents to complete their working day with peace of mind.  They will provide active, engaging experiences designed to provide children with their recommended daily activity as well as some equally important time to play and relax. A choice of healthy snack is provided.  Children can be cared for from the end of school at 3.15pm until up to 6pm.  In order to make a booking please visit their website here

SCL Active also run Holiday Camps during the school holidays.  Details can be found on their website and often earlybird discount codes apply.

Extra Curricular School Clubs

Please find below details of the Extra Curricular School Clubs on offer for the Autumn Term:

Monday 3.15 - 4.15 pm Year 1/2 Drama run by Claire Hersey of Redstars Drama
Tuesday 08:00 - 08:45 Year 1 & 2  Gymnastics run by Hart Gymanstics 
  12.00 - 1pm Y1 (and Year R after Half Term) Fun Francais run by Anne Cockburn
  3.15 - 4.20 pm All Year Groups Football run by CM Sports (Year R after Half Term) 
  3.15 - 4.20 pm All Year Groups Multisports run by CM Sports  (Year R after Half Term) 
Wednesday 8.20 - 8.45am Year 1 & 2 Heatherside Infants Choir run by Rebecca Whittock 
  12.00 - 1pm Y2 Fun Francais run by Anne Cockburn
  3.15 - 4.15 pm All Year Groups Movers and Shakers run by Synergy Dance  (Year R after Half Term) 
  3.15 - 4.15pm Year R Boogie Pumps run by Boogie Pumps (after Half Term) 
Thursday 12.00-12.30 pm Year 2 Chess Club run by Nick Pert (lunchtime)
  3.15 - 4.15 pm All Year Groups Judo run by Judo for Schools  (Year R after Half Term) 
Friday 3.15 - 4.15pm All Year Groups Judo run by Judo for Schools (Year R after Half Term) 
  3.15 - 4.20 pm All Year Groups Lego Club run by CM Sports  (Year R after Half Term) 


We are pleased to offer a range of clubs which are run by external providers, all of which are DBS/Qualification checked.  

For External Clubs, bookings are made direct with the provider. The school is able to offer financial support for clubs for those children in receipt of Pupil Premium/Free School Meals and this can be arranged with the School Office.  Club bookings are made termly and links and booking letters are shared with parents to help everyone have an equal opportunity to book. 

Details of all extra curricular school clubs are published on our website near the end of each term to allow places to be booked for the following term.

Please note that all SCL Active bookings are made directly online at

We are also able to signpost you to a wonderful local team of Heatherside Childminders who may be able to assist you.  They use Facebook to promote their services and you may find more information at the following:

Hart Childminding Vacancies

Heatherside Childminders 


Inset Days 


Our planned Inset Days for the academic year 2023/2024 are:

Friday 1st September 2023
Friday 6th October 2023
Monday 20th November 2023
Thursday 28th March 2024
Monday 24th June 2024