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Heatherside Infant School

Heatherside Infant School

Our Curriculum

At Heatherside Infants, we take pride in nurturing and inspiring all our children to achieve their very best. Our school values are embedded throughout our curriculum, where we offer a holistic approach to education. We want our children to develop their knowledge and skills, along with their confidence, resilience and independence, ensuring that they are ready for the next stage in their educational journey. 

We are proud to provide our children with the nurture, inspiration, challenge and support they need, along with an enriching curriculum that provides a range of opportunities for children to excel both academically and personally.

We use topics as hooks throughout the curriculum, where key concepts tie the subject topics that we teach together into meaningful learning experiences. This allows our children to be inquisitive and creative learners, enabling them to connect key ideas, and become their best self. 

We have high expectations of all our children and knowing them well enables every child to access and experience success through a range of learning opportunities. Our aim is to create an inclusive environment where barriers to learning are overcome via strategies, targetted interventions or additional support giving full access to the curriculum for all. 

Enrichment of the curriculum is valuable to our children's experiences and making connections in purposeful ways. School trips are planned throughout the year, as well as visitors being invited into school to share experiences and expertise. These curriculum experiences foster our children's curiosity and knowledge, all whilst they become confident and independent learners who are inspired and prepared for life. 

We want your child to engage, enthuse, enjoy and excel by providing them with a supportive environment that allows them to explore and learn whilst becoming independent and lifelong learners. 

At Heatherside we follow the programmes of study for each curriculum area. In Year R we use the Early Years Curriculum document Development Matters, and we follow the children's interests through a variety of topics. Children have time to lead their own learning within the environment (both indoors and outdoors) where they learn independently, as well as engaging in more structured whole class and small group activities throughout the day. More information about the specific learning areas can be found by clicking on the Prime Areas and Specific Areas buttons below.

In Years 1 and 2 we follow the the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 which outlines all the subjects taught. This can be seen in detail by clicking on the curriculum subject area buttons below.

If you require any additional information about the curriculum, please contact us at 



Year R - Early Years Foundation Stage

Prime Areas


The second column.

Specific Areas 

Year 1 and 2 - National Curriculum for Key Stage 1