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Heatherside Infant School

Heatherside Infant School

Ethos and Values

At Heatherside Infant School we are excited to share our new core values which underpin all aspects of school life.  

Our ambition is for every child to reach their full potential by instilling a love for learning, with the knowledge and skills to be confident, curious and resilient life-long learners. We are proud to provide our children with the nurture, inspiration, challenge and support they need, along with an enriching curriculum that provides a range of opportunities for children to excel both academically and personally. Our holistic approach, high expectations and knowing our children well, enables every child to experience success.  

We offer our families a strong sense of community and togetherness, where effective partnerships are fostered. We understand the importance of these relationships and building effective partnerships to ensure each and every child has the best possible experience at our school, as they begin their educational journey.

Our School Values